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  3. Georgia Street Bridge Update

Georgia Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project


Constructed in 1914, the Georgia Street Bridge and the adjacent retaining walls are designated as a historic landmark. This project will provide required seismic retrofitting and rehabilitation of the bridge and retaining walls. For more information about this project, visit the project web page.


Georgia Street Bridge Anticipated Schedule:

There is no night work scheduled to occur this week or next. However, this may change if weather, safety or unforeseen circumstances make night work unavoidable. If night work is needed in the coming days and weeks, a construction advisory will be sent out to notify you. The project team understands that night work and noise can be disruptive and thanks you for your patience when night work does occur.

The anticipated timeframe to complete the restoration of the historic Georgia Street Bridge is Spring 2018. This project was delayed from its earlier anticipated completion timeframe due to the unusually inclement weather during Winter 2016 and Spring 2017, as well as other circumstances that have caused some additional work.

Additional Area Projects:

There are additional commercial as well as City of San Diego construction projects occurring in the surrounding areas. Below is information on other City projects that may impact Hillcrest and North Park in the coming days and weeks.

University Avenue Pipeline Replacement Project:

The City of San Diego’s University Avenue Pipeline Replacement Project is an ongoing, multi-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) project to replace water mains in the community. Intermittent water service outages are scheduled to take place in the areas shown on the map in blue, during the dates of October 23 through October 27.*

To read more about the University Avenue Pipeline Replacement Project and sign up to receive project updates, go to https://www.sandiego.gov/upl.

AC Water Sewer Group 1025:

There may be intermittent water service outages in the areas of Georgia Street and Robinson Avenue as a result of work being done by AC Water Sewer Group 1025.*

* NOTE regarding water service outages: if you believe you will be affected by these water service outages and would like specific details, please contact the City of San Diego’s Engineering Department by phone or email:
Phone: 619-533-4207
Email: [email protected]


Always exercise caution near the work zone and note that:

  • Speeds will be reduced in the construction area;
  • Safety measures will be implemented to ensure bicyclists and pedestrians will be allowed access around the project area;
  • Access to homes, businesses and for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times; and
  • Road closures, detours and restricted access may be implemented during working hours.

Additionally, please note that inclement weather or unforeseen occurrences can change the dates of scheduled construction activities. You will receive additional updates as the project progresses. Thank you for your continued patience while this historic bridge is seismically retrofitted.

For specific questions about the Georgia Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project: