Mid-City GO is a free, electric ride-share service designed to connect the communities of North Park and City Heights. Powered by zero-emission vehicles, we aim to provide easy, on-demand access to support a more cohesive transit system, all while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting a cleaner future.
For more information, visit the project website: https://www.midcitygo.com/
To download the app and ride, visit: https://city.ridewithvia.com/san-diego
The Mid City Community Shuttle (“Mid-City GO”) is funded through the new statewide Clean Mobility Options (CMO) Voucher Pilot Program (CMO) The project is part of the California Climate Investments(CCI), a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities, and California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Clean Transportation Program, which is investing more than $1 billion to accelerate the deployment of zero-emission transportation infrastructure and support in-state manufacturing and workforce training and development.
CMO is administered by CALSTART, in partnership with Shared-Use Mobility Center and CivicWell.