The 30th Street Pipeline Replacement A project will replace approximately 1,300 lineal feet (LF) of existing 12-inch water main with new 16-inch water main and installation of 300 LF of new 16-inch water main along University Avenue between Oregon Street and 30th Street. Please encourage your neighbors to join our mailing list and use the FORWARD feature to pass along this important information!

What’s Happening This Month

  • Crews just completed potholing (checking underground utilities) between 30th Street and Oregon Street on University Avenue.
  • Over the next month, the crew will start preparations for installation of the new water main. You will start to see heavy equipment on site. The crew will have open trenches during working hours and they will put plates over them during the day.

Please remember to always exercise caution near the work zone and note that:

  • Road closures, detours, and restricted access may be implemented during working hours.
  • Speeds will be reduced in the construction area.
  • Safety measures will be implemented to ensure bicyclists and pedestrians will be allowed access throughout the project.
  • Access to homes, businesses, and emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times.
  • Traffic control will be in place and is subject to change. Other potential construction impacts may include noise, dirt, dust, and traffic.

Any work that requires water service shut-offs will only occur after advance notice to residents and stakeholders via door hangers.

Project Schedule 

Construction: January 2020 – January 2021*

*All dates are approximate and subject to change.


Hours and Days of Construction 

Night Work

Hours: 8 p.m. – 6 a.m.

Days: Monday – Thursday


Contact Us 

For specific questions about the 30th Street Pipeline Replacement A Project:

Call: (619) 232-1197
