(619) 294-2501 [email protected]

Q: What is the current status of the intersection project at Boundary St. and North Park Way? Has it been officially completed, or are there ongoing efforts to address the issue?

A: Two issues that are preventing the traffic signals from going up at Boundary St and North Park Way are:

New luminaires –  to meet current CT lighting requirements are expected to be delivered late-October. The signal light work at the Boundary and North Park Way is expected to be completed within 1-2 after receipt of the luminaires.

Safety clearance SW Corner – An existing low electrical line that conflicts with the per-plan new mast arm (arm where signal lights hang). A new modified mast arm is on-site but waiting for the luminaires that are tentatively scheduled to be delivered late October.


There is a newly added grind and overlay paving in the area of new traffic signal detection loops to be installed and fully functional, due to continued deterioration of the roadway around the intersection. This work will line up to be completed with the University Ave Paving as well.

Electrical points of connection have been tested and waiting to be tied in due to the missing mast arm and new luminaires for the Boundary and North Parkway and energized by SDGE.

Q: If the project is ongoing, could you please provide an estimated timeline for when the traffic lights will be functional if possible?

A: The project itself is ongoing. All traffic lights are expected and estimated to be up and running Jan/Feb 2024 which is also when paving will be completed as well. Permits and orders have been executed. Currently, the Contractor is working with SDGE to complete the service point installations throughout the project to allow the contractor to complete the installation of the electrical conduit trenching and connect to the service points. Completion of the project is currently scheduled late winternter/early spring.


Q: Has Caltrans been involved in this project in any capacity, considering the proximity of the 805 freeway ramp? If so, what role does Caltrans play in addressing the streetlights/traffic lights at this intersection?

A: There is ongoing coordination with Caltrans Permitting to allow completion of the City Capital Improvement Project. The signal light will be under Caltrans maintenance and control. Caltrans has issued a permit for their review and acceptance of the work. No issues with coordinating with CT at this time. The hold-up to completion is truly due to the low electrical line, new luminaries to meet Caltrans requirements, and the previously, but now resolved, SDGE service point orders.