(619) 294-2501 [email protected]
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Need HR advice?

The San Diego Workforce Partnership and our America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) network can help you hire and/or train qualified workers. Our Business Services Team will work with you to determine the best approach in meeting your organization’s employment and training needs—at no cost. Services include:

  • Customized recruitment and hiring assistance
  • Funds for training new employees
  • Qualified candidate referrals and résumé screening
  • Business process improvement projects to avert layoffs
  • Job fairs and job postings

If you are having difficulty in hiring workers with the skill sets your company needs, the following programs can help offset the costs of training:

Do you need HR advice? SDWP has partnered with the San Diego Employers Association (SDEA) to offer a free HR hotline for San Diego County employers: (866) 441-9399

The HR hotline can answer your questions about:

  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Changes to Labor Law & Minimum Wage
  • Terminations
  • Employee Handbooks
  • Harassment Issues
  • Disciplinary Issues
  • Compliance and much more

Please identify yourself as an employer with SDWP when calling the HR hotline. The hotline is active Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. *Please keep in mind that SDEA reserves the right to direct you to a fee-for-service line should the call extend beyond 15 minutes.*

Want more information about other business services offered by SDWP? Email our Business Services Team at [email protected].