Market Event Happens Every 3rd Saturday of Each Month Shop our favorite pieces at the market. Make it your favorite too! ? Our shop is also fully restocked with […]
The North Park Planning Committee (NPPC) represents the citizens of North Park by providing a forum to discuss, explore, question and monitor land use and development issues. We provide advisory […]
Agendas & Minutes Meetings are held in person and via Microsoft Teams. To join virtually, use the link below: Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 214 911 195 143 Passcode: cKTsd8
The North Park Planning Committee (NPPC) represents the citizens of North Park by providing a forum to discuss, explore, question and monitor land use and development issues. We provide advisory […]
Market Event Happens Every 3rd Saturday of Each Month Shop our favorite pieces at the market. Make it your favorite too! ? Our shop is also fully restocked with […]