(619) 294-2501 [email protected]
Public Right of Way

North Park Public Right of Way “PROW” Permit

Does your North Park business have exterior signage? Do you use the sidewalk for business purposes? Do you have outside seating?

Each year you need to apply for a FREE public right of way “PROW” permit. North Park Main Street grants these permits to businesses in North Park. Read the city requirements here.

The public right of way (PROW) is defined as the space between the curb and the adjacent property line of a business. The purpose of PROW is to optimize the growth and income of retail businesses and restaurants. The program encourages pedestrian traffic and beautification of the streetscape. North Park’s Public Right of Way Program is managed by North Park Main Street on behalf of the City of San Diego.

Please note that PROW permits through North Park Main Street do not cover permanent fixtures like railings. If you want to install permanent fixtures, you will need to apply for spaces as places permit. Click here to learn more


Sidewalk Sign

How to Apply

Use the form below to submit the necessary documents and renew your PROW application. Permits must be renewed by January 31st of each year.

1. Confirm that your type of application meets the requirements. Use this handbook provided by the City of San Diego HANDBOOK FOR PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY APPLICATIONS (PROW)

2. Fill out the form below.

3. Upload supporting documents. You will need to upload your business tax certificate, your insurance certificate (see examples in the right column)***, a drawing of proposed placement, and a picture of the area for placement. 


*** Provide proof of $1,000,000 in liability insurance naming North Park Main Street and the City of San Diego as additionally insured and proof of current payment of business tax. Provide the following addresses to your insurance carrier:

North Park Main Street
2948 University Ave, Fl 2
San Diego, CA 92104

City of San Diego
Development Services
1222 First Avenue, 2nd Floor
San Diego, CA 92101

New documents are required each year. A permit will not be issued without current documents.

North Park Business PROW Permit or Renewal Form

Business Address
Type of Permit (Select all that apply). You can apply for multiple sign permits in one application. Please denote in your application materials the additional components.(Required)
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.

    Example Business Tax Certificate

    Business Tax Certificate Sample

    Example Insurance Certificate

    Certificate of Insurance Sample